Product Description

SCHUTTE and INDEX Multispindle lathes various models
Machines For Sale — . Lathe, Multispindle
MAKE :SCHUTTE and INDEX Multispindle lathes
MODEL :various models
SPECIFICATION :Index MS25.Serial number 14116.Age 1989.Pickup.Threading.Good tooling package 45000
Index MS25.Serial number 15127.Age 1990.Pickup.Threading.Good tooling package 47500
Index MS25.Serial number 17115.Age 1992.Pickup.Threading.Good tooling package 49500
Index MS25.Age 1991.Pickup.Thread chasing.IEMCA magazine bar loader.Good tooling package 53000
Index MS25.Age 1979.Pickup.Threading.Spindle stop.SEMA magazine barloader.Good tooling package 27500
Index MS25.Age 1990.Pickup.Threading.Spindle stop.IEMCA magazine loader.Good tooling package 53000
Index MS25E.Serial number 16113.Age 1991.Pickup.Threading.Good tooling package 69000
Index MS25E.Serial number 20145.Age 1995.Pickup.Threading.Good tooling package 84000
Index KS32.3 machines.Age 1984.Pickup.Threading.High speed drilling. prices from 11-27000 Euro
Index KS42. 4 machines.All fully equipped with pickup and threading and high speed drilling.Ages upto 1988
prices from 11-27000 Euro
Index KS50. 5 machines.All fully equipped with pickup and threading and high speed drilling.Ages upto 1988 prices from 11-27000 Euro
Schutte SF51S.Serial number Series 66 number 5 .Pickup.Back finish.Chip conveyor.Toling package.IEMCA PRA magazine loader 165000
Schutte SF51. Age 1981 .Serial number Serie 28 No.6 .Pickup 27000
Schutte SF51.Age 1985 . Serial number Serie 38 No.2 . Pickup 53000
Schutte SE25. 5 machines.Pickup.Threading 22000 each
Schutte SE16.3 machines.Pickup . Threading. 16500
SCHUTTE and INDEX Multispindle lathes various models
Price: Write Us
Location : Europe
Quantity : 1
Availability : 18 Aug 2012